Guided Bird Watching Opportunities
10a Bird Walk at McConnell Springs
12p Kids Walk at McConnell Springs
1:30p Bird Walk at McConnell Springs
2:30p Kids Walk at McConnell Springs
10:30a Captivating Hummingbirds
Explore the world of these fascinating birds. We will examine the characteristics, cool traits, and little-known habits of this incredible bird. We will also discuss how to attract them to your yard. The more you learn about them the more you'll love them!
12:30p Uncommon Birds of Our Commonwealth
A fun presentation about what makes Kentucky a great place for birds, and highlights birds by season, rare birds, trivia and the fascinating life of John James Audubon.
2:30p Stories, Observations, and Findings from Kentucky's Peregrine Falcon Reintroduction
Tina Brouwer Kraska spent over 1,000 hours in the field observing Peregrine Falcons and was dubbed locally as the Peregrine lady, while earning her Master's Degree in Peregrine Falcon behavior and ecology from the University of Kentucky. Tina is now the Director of Red Oaks Forest School bringing her love and passion for Kentucky's rich biodiversity to kids in Central and Eastern Kentucky.
Other Featured Activities
10a - 4p Live Birds of Prey with Liberty Nature Center
10a - 4p Vendor Area:
Over a dozen Arts, Crafts, and Specialty vendors.
10a - 4p Kids Area:
Bird Beak Match-Up Game, Make a Bird Puppet, Make your own Bird Feeder, Make an Owl Mask, Bird Identity Match-Up Game, Learn About Flyways, Learn About Endangered Species, Make a Bird Collage. Many activities designed to fulfill requirements for scout achievements
10a - ? Bird Banding Demonstration (Weather dependent)
11:30a -1:30p Live Music with Custom Made Bluegrass
11a - ? Food available from Olmeda's Mexican Grill on Wheels
Amateur Photo Exhibit
Inside the Nature Center
Lexington bird watching areas, hours of operation: Lexington Cemetery: Daily 8a – 5p
McConnell Springs: Daily dawn to dusk
UK Arboretum: Daily dawn to dusk
Raven Run: 9a – 5p, trails close at 4:30p
Jacobson Park: Daily dawn to dusk